貢 support, contribute 訓読み:みつぐ 音読み:ク・コウ 例:貢献 (こうけん contribution) 賀 felicitations, joy 音読み:ガ 例: 年賀状(ねんがじょう new year’s greeting card)、祝賀(しゅくが celebration)、謹賀新年(きんがしんねん Happy New Year formal written expression) 貴 precious, esteem 訓読み:とうとい 音読み:キ 例: 貴い(とうとい precious)、貴社(きしゃ your company)、貴重(きちょう valuable) 漬 to soak, to dip in 訓読み:つける 音読み:シ 例: 漬物(つけもの pickled vegetables) 賓 V.I.P, guest […]
JLPT N1 Grammar |文法
It has been a long time since I posted a something about Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Let’s get down to some serious JLPT N1 preparations . There are three types of questions in JLPT N1 grammar section. The first type (文法形式の判断) judges your ability to choose the correct grammar format. The second pattern (文の組み立て) tests […]
Top 5 JLPT kanji books for all levels
I have listed down the top five kanji books, for JLPT preparation. Without learning kanji you cannot solve grammar and comprehension questions correctly. There are too many kanji to learn. Hence, I believe that it is better to follow a book rather than studying from a list. Books help you understand the meaning of a […]
Studying for the new JLPT- step by step
What could be the right way to prepare for the new JLPT? Just keep this in mind, “there is no shortcut to success”. The JLPT N levels have been improved on the grounds of syllabus and time. Unlike the old test, the new JLPT syllabi are broader and the question patterns are set to test […]