In my post about ‘aizuchi‘, I mentioned about five useful interjections that are used as filler responses during any conversation. Today, I would like to introduce five more useful words that will help you during conversations. These words complement one’s response and convey their feelings. ちょっと Literally chotto means little. Like in, ちょっと待ってください (chotto matte […]
Japanese Grammar
Non-English Katakana Words
In my previous lesson about Katakana, I listed down five situations when Katakana script is used over Hiragana or Kanji. In this post I would like to share some facts about 外来語 gairaigo. Katakana is mainly used when writing loanwords or 外来語 gairaigo like スピーチ (speech)、トマト (tomato) or パーティー (party) in Japanese. All these words are […]
Japanese Adjectives – 形容詞
The Japanese language uses two types of adjectives; the いadjective and the な adjective. The いadjectives follow and modify the noun. It is used as a predicate, therefore it can also act as a conjugate. For example, いadjectives in its: Basic Dictionary Forms このパンがおいしいです。This bread is tasty. (used as a predicate adjective) わたしは高いふくを買いました。I bought an expensive […]